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Sales Policy at Larson’s Legacy Aussome Aussie Kennels


It is our utmost goal and dedication to provide all of our new puppy owners with a healthy, intelligent, quality, well bred, well socialized, handled puppy with excellent physical qualities and mellow, gentle, calm temperaments. This is a non-working Australian Shepherd breeding program so many of our puppies are not suited to an outdoor, working/farming lifestyle.
We have done our very best to ensure the puppy you purchase from us will grow up to be an excellent addition into any indoor companion household. Keep in mind not all our puppies are perfect and may grow up to develop behavior issues if not correctly trained, socialized, exercised or altered at an appropriate age. All deposits are non-refundable, except through breeder error or discretion; however they are transferable . A $300 deposit is required to hold a puppy and full payment is expected before they leave or leave on transport.
All of our adults are AKC registered, display show quality markings, are not bred until they are at least 2 years of age, have completed all of their health testing, have excellent health records, have been kept UTD on all of their yearly veterinarian care, have been OFA hip/eye tested, full Australian Shepherd DNA panels completed/clear, are measured to AKC breed standard, are correct physical models of their breed and have excellent temperaments. Our puppies are sold healthy, happy, raised indoors in a clean area, handled often, extremely well socialized, UTD on all age appropriate vet work and checked over before they leave here.
Once a puppy leaves our care and property we are no longer responsible for any health/behavior issues as we are not there to protect them anymore and we do not know what they have been exposed to. All vet bills will be the new puppy owners responsibility. We are responsible, dedicated and caring breeders who know what to look for in the health of our puppies and send them home completely healthy to the best of our knowledge. We have done our very best to ensure the puppies we produce remain healthy throughout their entire lives.
There are no health guarantees and all puppies are sold as is. You are responsible for keeping your puppy healthy and them up to date on their yearly vet care. Our puppies are raised indoors and we don't allow visitors to handle our young babies until they are at least 4 weeks old to protect their well being and the cleanliness of our nursery area. We do not raise or sell sick puppies. We do not offer

shipping at this time.
If a situation arises that you are not able to care for your puppy or adult canine, we will do our best to help you re-home him or her but there will be no refunds. No puppy will go home before they are eight (8) weeks old. All of our puppies are sold on a limited registry through AKC (no conformation showing or breeding rights) unless a different agreement has been made between breeder and new owner.

We stand behind every puppy we produce and offer lifetime breeder support with each and every one. We are always here for any questions you have regarding care, diet, raising, training, temperament and behavior.

We reserve the right to refuse to allow the purchase and/or adoption to any person(s) of any and/or all animals from our breeding services and/or under

our care, at any time, and/or for any reason.

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